Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Final Meeting Before This Year's Opening

On September 9, 2013 the Highlandtown Train Garden Committee met for the last time. All issues were discussed and decisions were made. As can be seen in the pictures below all members work very hard to make the Train Garden a great success. At the meeting were the following in no particular order:
Chris Ryer, Amanda Smit-Peters, Ted Baccala, Dave Eaton, Bernie Deasel, Rafi Guroian, Terry Maillar, George Lambilotte, Frank Bratkowski, Carol Hartke, Nancy Supik, and Joe Manfre.


Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Work Continues

The engineers - Bernie, Ted, and Dave - continue to work on the Train Garden. On one of the platforms there will be many carnival rides and Super Streets. Visitors this year will be fascinated by the new interactive additions to the Train Garden.