Thursday, January 15, 2015

Moving Day for the Train Garden – Saturday, January 10, 2015

On Saturday, January 10 the Train Garden was moved from the Fire House to the library area at Our Lady of Pompei Church building at Conkling St and Clarmont Ave.  The workers and volunteers carefully transferred the platforms and all the boxes that contained items from the Train Garden to the church. There the Train Garden will lie until later this year when the volunteers will begin planning and building the 2015-2016 Highlandtown Train Garden.

This Year the Train Garden Had More Visitors, Students, Sponsorships, and Donations (including the Raffle)

The Train Garden Committee wants to thank the visitors, students and sponsors who helped to make this year a success. Also, thanks to all the volunteers who spent hours helping out at the Train Garden. There were 4274 visitors, of which 1048 were students, 45 sponsors, including local businesses and associations, who donated $4475, and donations at the Train Garden totaled $3250. Volunteers donated 1254 hours performing various tasks related to the Train Garden.The income from this year’s Train Garden will be used to make next year’s garden more exciting and successful. The Baltimore City Fire Department and the Fire Fighters at Fire House # 41 supported the Train Garden again this year. 

And The Highlandtown Train Garden Raffle Winners Are...

On Saturday, January 3, 2015 at around 4:45 pm the raffle went off and the two winners were selected. Adam Bartholow from Parkville won the Ravens’ Basket, which was donated by Rob Hoehn, and Isaac Norris won the Train Set. Pictured below is three year old Isaac with his father and Adam . Congratulations!

WJZTV Visits the Highlandtown Train Garden on December 17, 2014

Mike Schuh from WJZTV visited the Train Garden early on Wednesday’s morning to do a live interview at the Train Garden. Bernie Deasel, Terry Maillar, and Joe Manfre came there at around 5:15 am to prepare for the visit. Everything was fine except at the beginning of the interview around 6:10 am the cable went out in the area and in some surrounding counties. The interview was not seen by many. Please play the video below to view the interview. 

Students from Area Schools Visit the Train Garden

Students from Area Schools Visit the Train Garden

1048 students from seven area schools visited the Train Garden this year. PreK, K, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students walked in cold and sometimes rainy and snowy weather to visit the Train Garden. All seemed to enjoy not only the Train Garden but also the Fire Engine and the Firefighters whom they saw at  Fire House # 41. They became very excited when the Fire Engine went on a call
with its horn and siren blaring.

Music at the Highlandtown Train Garden

On Saturday, December 13 Katie Long and Bob Dietzen performed at the Train Garden. Katie sang a little song about the Train Garden and both performed some Christmas songs and other familiar tunes. The crowd at the Train Garden enjoyed the musical performance. On Sunday, December 14 Nancy Supik on the concertina, Linda Valle on the fiddle and Gerry Cohee on the guitar played traditional Christmas carols. The visitors at the Train Garden greatly enjoyed both performances.  A short video of Nancy and her group and Katie and Bob's performances are below.