Monday, December 23, 2019

Just To Let You Know

The Highlandtown Train Garden is a handicap accessible site. BTW the last day for Santa at the Train Garden was Monday, December 23.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Santa Leaving Soon

The Highlandtown Train Garden will be open from 11 to 5 from December 20 thru January 5 except Closed Christmas Day. But Santa will be there only until Monday, December 23. He will be there Saturday, December 21, Sunday, December 22, and Monday, December 23.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

New Plexiglas Installed

Chester Creates has installed in four-foot sections plexiglas around the Train Garden. Each of these four- foot sections can be removed for easier operations by the Train Garden Engineers.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

99.9% Ready For The Big Day - November 30

Back Table Display
Everything has been tested and is working fine. We are awaiting for the Plexiglas and the sky ceiling to be installed this coming Friday. The Old Industrial Highlandtown display on the back table is also 99.9% complete. Here the wait is for the HO train to be tested. Visit our new web site
Back Table Display

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Library Has Arrived

Below are three pictures of a replica of the Southeast Anchor Library. The Haussner's building and the Creative Alliance (Patterson) building were relocated in the train garden. And don't forget our new web site -

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Our New Web Site

The Highlandtown Train Garden now has a web site that is quite informative. It has the same URL as before but it takes you to the web site. Click on the URL below.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Lighting Up The Train Garden

On Sunday, October 27 several volunteers continued to work on the Train Garden. This day the volunteers worked to provide more lighted animated signs. Such animation is well liked by the visitors.

Time For The Sponsor Letters

On Thursday, October 24 several members of the Train Garden Committee met to stuff and stamp the letters that will be going out to various businesses and associations. We hope that many of them will respond. These sponsorships help to finance the Train Garden.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

A Video By TBC, Inc.

TBC, Inc. assisted by Kenny Klompus visited the Train Garden last year and produced the following video: (Please note there is no sound on the video)

Please note that this year the Train Garden will be open on Saturday, November 30 and close on January 5, 2020. It will be open on November 30, December 1, December 7 and 8, December 14 and 15, December 20 thru January 5 except closed on December 25 for Christmas.

Many thanks to Jeff Jordan, Video Production and Editing, from TBC, Inc.
Also, you many want to visit their site -

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Getting Ready For Opening Day On November 30

On Saturday, October 12,many volunteers worked on the Train Garden. They were Terry Maillar, Scott Eggleston, Doug Campbell, Carol Hartke, Georg Lambillotte, and Joe Manfre. Here are some updated pictures.

Carol and George
Carol and George






Monday, September 30, 2019

Landscaping Around The Rink And Other Parts Of The Train Garden

Terry Maillar is going to put a chain link fence partially around the Rink with ivy Yesterday, he put the sidewalk around the Rink. Joan Campbell painted that sidewalk. Doug Campbell, Scott Eggleston, and Terry landscaped the figure 8 area by filling in the roadway and the new pedestrian bike path. George Lambilottee filled in the snow where the Bump and Go Winter Trolley is.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Ice Rink Is Almost Finished

Today, Terry Maillar, Jessica Markiewicz, and Doug Campbell have completed the Mimi DiPietro Ice Rink as can be seen in the following photo.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Work Continues On The Ice Rink

Soon the Mimi DiPietro Ice Rink will be finished.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Industrial Highlandtown Display Is Starting To Take Shape

Carol Hartke and Joe Manfre began placing industrial Highlandtown buildings in the display. More buildings will be added soon and other items will be displayed.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Work Continues On The 2019-2020 Highlandtown Train Garden

New Fountain - on left

Wall around the Bump and Go 
Trolley Tracks

Will soon be the Mimi DiPietro Family Skating Center

These items were developed by Terry Maillar, Scott Eggleston. Doug Campbell, George Lambillotte, and Jessica Markiewicz

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Work Continues

On Wednesday, August 29, 2019 Terry Maillar, George Lambillotte, and Doug Campbell continued to work on creating the revised Patterson Park display.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Watch The New Bump and Go Trolleys Around Patterson Park

The new display for Patterson Park are three Bump and Go Trolleys. Watch the video below.


Monday, August 12, 2019

The Work Continues

On Saturday, August 10, 2019 Terry Maillar, Scott Eggleston, and Joe Manfre continued to work on the Bump and Go Trolley Display that will be around the Patterson Park platform. Two routes have been successful so far, and  a third route will be created in the coming weeks.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

A New Addition - Bump and Go Trolleys Around Patterson Park

On Saturday, August 3, 2019 Terry Maillar, Scott Eggleston, and Joe Manfre worked at the Train Garden to develop the Bump and Go Trolleys display around the park. Terry and Scott began to decide how to provide the necessities for this display. Joe Manfre took the pictures. Carol Hartke worked at home creating houses for the Patterson Park display.
Terry Maillar
Scott Eggleston

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Some Changes Being Made To The 2019-2020 Highlandtown Train Garden

On July 15, 2019 Terry Maillar, Jessica Markiewicz, George Lambillotte, and Joe Manfre met to begin changes to the Train Garden. This year there will be bumper cars around the Patterson Park Section, the Figure 8 Near Miss was removed and new four-foot Plexiglas panels will be installed around the Train Garden. This will make it much easier to work on the Train Garden in case of any problems.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Back To Work For The 2019-2020 Highlandtown Train Garden

On Thursday, July 4, 2019 several volunteers came to Engine House # 41  to begin working on the Train Garden. Pictured below from left to right are Terry Maillar, George Lambillotte, Scott Eggleston, Jessica Markiewicz, and Carol Hartke. Joe Manfre was also there and took the picture.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Thinking About the 2019-2020 Highlandtown Train Garden

On Sunday, March 24, 2019 several members of the Train Garden committee met to discuss some ideas for the upcoming HighlandtownTrain Garden. In attendance were Terry Maillar, Carol Hartke, Doug and Joan Campbell,  George Lambillotte, and Joe Manfre. Some of the ideas that were discussed were longer plexiglass, bumper cars around the Patterson Park, an Industrial Highlandtown display on the back table, and the calendar days that the Train Garden would be open. If interested in these or any other ideas feel free to contact Terry Maillar at or Joe Manfre at

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Wrapping Up The 2018-2019 Train Garden

On Saturday, February 23, 2019 most members of the Train Garden Committee and the volunteers had a delicious meal at Vinny's Cafe. All had a good time and afterwards began to discuss plans for the 2019-2020 Highlandtown Train Garden. It was announced there that the first meeting of the 2019 Train Garden Committee would probably be on Saturday, March 23 or Sunday, March 24, 2019.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Some Updates For The Highlandtown Train Garden

Some Updates for the 2018-2019 Highlandtown Train Garden
Attendance - 4510 visitors + 1070 students = 5580 total visitors
Volunteers 10 who have donated 1610 hours for the Train Garden
Sponsors - 54

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Winner of the Goetze's Basket

John Newman won the Goetze's Basket at the Highlandtown Train Garden. His ticket was drawn on January 1, 2019. He is coming to the Train Garden this Saturday to pick up the basket. A picture will be taken then. Congratulations!

Winner of the Spice Rack

Kory Mitchell won the McCormick Spice Rack at the Highlandtown Train Garden. His ticket was chosen form the container on January 1, 2019. Pictured is Kory receiving the Spice Rack. Congratulations!

Winner Of The Two Train Sets

Tracy Boyd won the two Train Sets at the Highlandtown Train Garden. Her ticket was chosen on January 1, 2019  from the container. Pictured is Tracy receiving the Train Sets.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Today Is The Last Day

Today is the last day to visit the Train Garden. We will remain open to 5 pm. The raffle drawing will occur at around 4 pm.